Terms of service

We generally offer this service under a similar understanding of terms of service under which malwr.com operates. Thus, the terms are heavily inspired by their statement.

Your account

Being your personalized entry ticket for usage of this service, it needs no clarification that we expect you to keep the credentials to yourself.
Furthermore, we expect you to not make an excessive amount of queries, where "excessive" is defined by common sense. However, if you have a need for a lot of queries, we are probably happy to support this cause. So please inform us ahead of it in order to avoid of your account being blocked. :)

What data is recorded?

We log all requests being made for the sole purpose of being able to identify excessive use/abuse of our system.
We also log domains that are attempted to be resolved via the service as it helps us to improve the quality of data and in order to potentially become aware of yet unsupported DGAs that we can then reverse-engineer and add to the system for all to benefit. In case you want to have something added that you want to see in DGArchive, please feel free to tell us through the feedback box.
We neither share the data recorded with anyone nor do we monetize submitted data in any way.

How can you use the data?

This we treat exactly the same way as malwr.com:

The whole content of the website is released under Creative Common's CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license, which is the general guideline regarding redistribution of our material. Feel free to contact us for additional information or possible alternative agreements.
Our informal policy is that you can do pretty much what you want with it as long as you maintain the credits and you don't abuse it to make a profit off of our work.


We refuse to take liability for any damage caused by the service. Use this service at your own risk.
Understand this in the following way:

We cannot guarantee correctness of the results being presented but since we use it ourselves we have high interest to have it be as accurate as possible.

Everything is provided as is and we try to maintain high availability but underlie all the same effects that you face when putting a service on the Internet.

In case of questions

Please contact us via email: ed.refohnuarf.eikf@evihcragd